YU Chengyuan

Jan 10, 2022

Associate Professor

Educational Background

2014. 10 - 2018. 7 University of Bonn, Ph.D.

2012. 10 - 2014. 7  University of Bonn, LL.M.

2008. 9 - 2012. 7   Beijing University, Bachelor

Work Experience

2021. 9 - Present   Associate Professor, Civil, Commercial and Economic Law School, China University of Political Science and Law

2018. 10 - 2021.8  Assistant Professor, Civil, Commercial and Economic Law School, China University of Political Science and Law

Research Interest

Civil Law

Representative Publications

1. The Purpose of Law and its Realization - On the Localization Development of Teleological Reduction Theory in China's Civil Law, Law Science, 2019.8.

2. The Systematic Expression of the Risk Distribution of Pre-contract Information, Global Law Review, 2020.12.
